Saturday, May 30, 2009

Backstage at the Reagan....

This is the little elevator they have backstage to provide handicap access to the stage area. It hums ominously from time to time, making it hard to hear during the show, and --years ago-- we had a problem with bums (or possibly Reagan employees) wandering through the building and committing acts of micturition inside of of it. Given its stall-like nature, I suppose we should be relieved (!) too have found nothing worse.

Once, TW got locked inside of it right before a show and begged us to help him get out, but we all just laughed and snickered and pelted him with debris and shoes. He was forced to clamber out of it like some sort of hideous, outraged, trash-pelted, shoe-bruised monkey. He was also shaking his fist and screaming at us in a high,screechy voice which contributed even more to the illusion. We were half expecting him to hurl feces at us. Which, as I've pointed out, is something you might actually find in there one day....

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