Tuesday, August 10, 2010


...I removed the tiny little chip from my phone that allows me to save pictures. And I have misplaced it. I know it's around somewhere. However, it makes it more difficult to document my surroundings. I shall have to rely on surrogate photos for the time being.

For instance, I blundered through the heat day before yesterday down to the little park maybe a mile from here to find a giant Ecuadorian Family Picnic Gathering Day or something going on.  Anyway, lots of heart-rendingly lovely Ecuadorian ladies, many a disgruntled-appearing Ecuadorian Poppa, and large tables groaning with roasted guinea pigs and whatnot, and even larger megaphones blasting out community speeches or political exhortations or bingo numbers or something. It seemed to have no effect whatsoever on the crowd even as they cheered every word.

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