Monday, October 7, 2013

Porn star mayhem

On July 1, 1981, the most famous male porn star probably ever, even to the present day --John C. "Johnny Wadd" Holmes-- was forced against his will to let several men into this charming Laurel Canyon residence at 8763 Wonderland Avenue in L.A. He then was forced to witness --and in all likelihood participate in upon pain of death-- the violent bludgeoning of the fIve people within, four of them fatally. 

He was forced to do this because 3 days earlier the murdered crew --drug dealers Holmes owed heavily-- had forced him into letting THEM into the home of a notorious gangster named Eddie Nash, whom they proceeded to beat, rob, threaten, and generally disrespect. Eddie did not take this well and next thing you know there's poor ol' Johnny  Wadd --biggest dick in the world-- crying with a gun pressed against his temple being forced to beat the young wife of one of the drug dealers to death with a threaded lead pipe. Don't do drugs kids.

John Holmes was acquitted of the murders in 1982. He died of AIDS in 1988.

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