Friday, September 2, 2011

Free tickets!

One of Carol's fancy clients has season tickets to the Skins and --in the way of the idle rich-- can hardly ever be bothered with going to the actual games.  Or selling them. So she mentions yesterday to Carol that she has tickets going to waste for the Skins game with my Buccaneers last night.  She gladly dumps them off on Carol, I get them from her, and me and Jack Rowles, fellow Stepper, end up with great free seats to a meaningless pre-season game. I had already made the sad calculation that going to a game was not in the budget this year and hadn't even looked at tickets --even though this was my only chance of seeing my team this year-- so serendipity works out in my favor.   I have now managed to see my generally unrecognised and unheralded football team for four straight years. These are the second best seats I've had and they were FREE! Woohoo! Too bad Jo couldn't go. Especially since her stupid Skins made a comeback to win with a minute left right after my team made a comeback to take the lead with TWO minutes left. Exciting. And meaningless. Like so many of the best things in life.

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