Friday, October 12, 2012

Spent the day in the salt mines yesterday

Not figuratively --the Steps ARE a job, but in no way could they ever be considered hard labor: the heaviest thing most of us have to lift is a giant cardboard cutout of Rush Limbaugh.

600 feet straight down an unlit, pitch-black elevator shaft. Awesome.

No, we went to the Kansas Salt Museum, some 660 feet below Hutchinson, KS and extending hundreds of miles in either direction. Enough salt to keep mining for at least another 2500 years. And way, way cooler than you would think just from the sound of it.  It was a big time investment, but --hey-- we're in Hutchinson, Kansas. We don't have many plans.

Dave, Jon and I pretend we are real men.

 This was one of the coolest museums we've seen.  It was well done, intriguing, run by friendly, knowledgable people, and something I knew nothing about. For instance, salt mines (there are 6 in the US, only one of which you can tour) do a big side business in archiving films, documents, business records, etc., since the salt preserves everything and there are no insects or parasites of any kind. So they take out the salt and fill up the space with things they want to preserve. Neat. Plus, we got to mine our own chunk of salt.

If salt were diamonds, I'd be rich

Played the beautiful Fox Theater last night. We are on a roll of gorgeous old theaters.  Good crowd. We're definitely wowing them these days.

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