Sunday, July 4, 2010

My immediate surroundings

This is the main living area of my little corner of the finely-appointed Yankee Suites here in Pittsfield. I spend most of my time here, if not out and about.  There is a somewhat pointlessly long hallway and entrance area: good for short hikes and bicycle storage and not much else. There is, of course, a bathroom...nothing noteworthy.  Also a bedroom.  To someone straight out of years in a penitentiary the bedroom would undoubtedly seem spacious.  My lack of prison experience, however, leads me to shun it for the most part. Small, dark, wood-panelled, so even darker, and with thick blackout curtains that I have to keep smashed flat against the glass with spare pillows so that the poorly-positioned air-conditioning vents don't blow all the cold air up and in-between the curtain and the sunlit glass, where it would be heated to complete ineffectiveness. Thus even darker, I guess is my point.

Anyway, nice big living area with a tv, recliner, full kitchen, couch, desk with a high-speed wired hookup, and a small dining table I use to keep change and recently purchased corn on.  I am somewhat dispirited to discover that the good corn --the sugar butter corn I took eighty pounds of home last year-- won't be out until the week before I depart. It's just as well: I am too agèd to take on a corn-fed appearance.


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